One Day in Nairobi

Our first day coaching in Kenya was definitely an experience, to say the least. We woke up bright, and with only ten Tuskers in the entire hotel last night, early.

After a breakfast of potatoes, sausages and omelette we left the hotel at quarter past 8, arriving at Unity Primary School shortly after. This school was full of respectful students and a wonderful headteacher.  3 hours of drills definitely set the tone for the two weeks to come, the skill and confidence growing by the rotation.

After a much-needed break, in the shade, with sodas and muffins we moved on to Kifaru Primary School, and a very energetic atmosphere instantly showed us the range of children we’re here to coach. Both Kifaru & Edelvale Primary School’s gave us a range of ages and personalities that kept us on our toes and we kept the sessions short, effective and sweet, with all the children having loads of fun, and much giggling could be heard coming from Sacha and Nick’s groups. Who knew HIV education could be so much fun?

For our final school, St Anne’s Girls School Thom unveiled the guest star to help out coaching. Going by the nickname of ‘Beiber’, Joe was an ideal vision of teenage bones for an all-girls boarding school! The school had never played cricket before today and the young ladies spoke brilliant English, were fluent in their ABC HIV knowledge and were inquisitive and eager to learn. the girls made some mistakes, such as thinking that kissing transmits HIV, but they were kindly corrected and reassured.

Back at the hotel for our second night, really positive insights were shared by the whole team and a well deserved shower blessed us all, especially when CERTAIN people (Mum!) found the switch for the hot water. 

A sound sleep is due for a good start tomorrow, and hopefully Gary hasn’t got any special guests waiting to cuddle in his bed. 

A good first day from all and the team has already began to form chemistry and a good bond 🙂


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