On Monday 24th October 2022 the nine persons described below will be meeting at Heathrow Airport at a quite frankly ludicrous hour before heading off for Nairobi and the CWB Autumn 2022 project to Kenya……

Gary Storer – Return Volunteer & Project Lead
I run my own coaching business and have worked in education and training all my career. Helping young people learn is immensely enjoyable, whether in schools, mentoring or coaching cricket or football and I have always found that I seem to get as much from it as they do.
I’ve been involved in cricket for over 40 years and still play and umpire for one of the oldest cricket clubs in England, in a picturesque village in Sussex called Lindfield.
I first went with CWB to Kenya in 2016, learning a lot about the country and its people and visited again in February 2020. I’m looking forward to going back to meet some of the same teachers and CWB Ambassadors to find out what they’ve been doing since the pandemic.
I’m also looking forward to working with our great team and seeing that energy and enthusiasm that all the young people over there seem to have when learning about our great game!

Ali McCreedy – Return Volunteer
Not being able to go on a project for 3 years really brought home how important they are to me. I can’t wait to get back out to Africa and see the excitement and pure joy on hundreds of kid’s faces as they get the chance to try something new. I never fail to be humbled by how valuable a used tennis ball can be.
Having retired (early!) after 30 years as a pharmacist, I now coach cricket part time. I figured if I can manage a session while a herd of cattle is driven across the ground, how hard can it be in Surrey?

Marcos Cuevas Nunez – New Volunteer
50 years old. I’ve been playing cricket for over 45 years with over 33 years at Norton Oakes Cricket Club in Sheffield. I am equally proud of my Yorkshire and Spanish heritage, but now live in London.
I have recently completed a Masters in Human Rights Law; and want to work more in the Human Rights field; and also take part in projects such as the trip to Kenya.
I am excited to experience Africa for the first time; and discover a whole new way of life; and I would love to be able to affect at least one child’s life enough to make a difference.

Sacha Robinson – New Volunteer
I teach PE in primary schools & work for the local school sports partnership running sporting events.
I am looking forward to spending time in the Kenyan schools meeting the children, learning about their culture & meeting the ambassadors and understanding about their experiences and how they have developed the cricket locally and seeing the beautiful country & it’s amazing wildlife.
I am also Joseph’s Mummy!

Sian Williamson (Tigger) – Return Volunteer
I’m Sian, a person who lives life to the full, appreciating what is in front of me and enjoying being there for others.
In the last year volunteering with Commonwealth Games as a nurse, volunteering with CREMA Turtle Trax and fundraising for Cricket Without Boundaries. I am lucky enough to have joined CWB in 2019 and still so passionate about what I learnt and shared with the children. HIV is not talked about enough in any country, we can all learn how to respect each other, to live with this disease and have a full life.
I want to share knowledge through games and laughter, to listen to the fears and talk about untangling some of these with the younger generation. Facilitating messages of valuing self and others. I don’t play cricket but look forward to learning a little more by the team and all around. Most of all to meet Nico the leader in Kenya again will be magical, he is such an inspiration.

Joseph Terrell (Bieber, Moggsy) – New Volunteer
I am a student from Essex who photographs like a would-be politician. I love to travel and explore and most of all I adore playing and coaching sport. As the youngest ever CWB volunteer at 16 years old I am volunteering with my Mummy and I am extremely excited to participate in this opportunity; not just to spread awareness of HIV, but also spread joy to every person we meet.
I hope to expand my knowledge on the lifestyles and cultures in which we are to delve into as soon as we step off that plane and begin our marvellous adventure. I am striving to become a better teacher, and I hope with the language barriers and constant challenges we are to face, I can achieve this. I aspire to be a role model to any young people who would like to get involved with charity, from helping in a soup kitchen to a simple litter pick on their local beach.
I am ecstatic to be a part of this team and I cannot wait to get on that plane on the way to Kenya…

Thom Manning – Return Volunteer
CWB Project #6. First time to Kenya.
Looking forward to coaching hundreds of children, hearing their thoughts and stories and making some more lifelong friends.
Hoping for a menu of slow roasted goat.
Snores like freight train in a tunnel
Aiming to get a selfie with a giraffe.

Nick Holroyd – Returning Volunteer
I am a full time Community Cricket Coach for Berkshire Cricket and Pathway Coach for Oxfordshire Cricket, in my spare time I also run a publishing company producing tourist maps of the UK canals.
I volunteered for the trip to help to make a small difference to the lives of some of the children and young adults in Kenya, help reduce the stigma attached to HIV/Aids, talk about gender inequality and bring fun and smiles to all. Having been to Rwanda and Uganda on previous CWB trips I am very much looking forward to visiting Kenya knowing what great work can be done and lives touched in a positive way.

Gabie Clark – New Volunteer
My name is Gabie, I’m 31 years old and work as a risk analyst. I’ve played cricket since I was old enough to hold a bat and have always had a deep love for the game!
I’m an ECB Level 2 qualified cricket coach, and volunteer at my local club coaching the women’s team. I’m excited to pass my enthusiasm for cricket to children in Kenya, and give them the opportunity to build confidence through sport, regardless of their gender, background or HIV status.
Combining cricket coaching with health messaging, especially HIV education, will be a new challenge for me and one I am looking forward to.
I am also hoping to soak up Kenyan culture and maybe even see some of the Big 5 wild animals!
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