Day 5

A different kind of day

All the love in Nakuru

Pamela has had a plan to look after orphaned children for more than a decade. The picture she drew back then, before she had any facilities to do anything to help, sits proudly high up on the wall in one of the low lit rooms. For years she has made do, taking children to sleep at her home so she can care for them.

She now has the structure of a children’s home called Love For All – a room for the nursery, a room for the boys dorm and a room for the girls, a cooking area (that when we were there was filled with smoke as the chimneys appeared not to work), a store area for food and supplies, washrooms and an office. In the courtyard chickens and puppies wandered around happily and children smiled.

This seems remarkable though, given the 38 boys share less than 10 beds and even less with matresses. Old fencing has been donated and will soon be used in the broken beds where the frames remain useable. The 29 girls also have too few beds so several sleep in each one.

We were welcomed with some lovely singing, led by the energetic Pamela of course, and the fifteen or so kids who were either too young for school or just back. As always tennis balls created great excitement – some simply held them gleefully, others threw them randomly, Dylan led a group playing volleyball over a hanging wire and another used a bat to do some slip catching with Queentor and Monica. It is doubtful the teenage boy involved happily hitting the ball harder and harder realised that he was practicing cricket with an international player!

All too soon it was time to leave, just as Pamela tried to persuade us we must share drinks! As always those that have the least give the most. But with some difficult to traverse roads and rivers to cross we needed to get going before dark, continually waving to kids and adults all the way along the 20 minute drive back into the centre of Nakuru.

Love For All can be found here:

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