Day 2

Today started with a quick game of cricket from all CWB coaches at the petrol station on the way to our first school.

Today, we had our first double session, starting at Mihang’o Primary School……it was definitely hotter and dustier than yesterday! But as we got into the groove of day two, everything ran much more smoothly. After a quick(ish) visit to the head teacher, we were off with Captain Ed leading the charge today (before his voice showed signs of giving up one hour into a 3.5 session).

Session 1: A Surprise Visitor

The morning at Mihang’o began with the younger kids, many playing cricket for the first time. A surprise guest—a curious 2/3-year-old boy—wandered in from next door, either getting one-on-one coaching or staying attached to one of us for the entire session!

Session 2: Seasoned Cricketers

Next session at the same school we worked with some more experienced grade 8 cricketers ( as well as a mix of others). These kids were not only talented but helped lead those with mixed abilities. They have won the cricket festival three times—so all eyes on them on Friday for the festival.

Gemma connected with one of the teachers, who even joined in at a few of the stations!

A Quick Pit Stop

Lunch was a simple roadside affair compared to yesterday’s feast, featuring some serious fruit salad 🍌🍉🍍 Lunchtime entertainment came on the form of Winifred making her move on Mark, only to discover he was old enough to be her dad. We also managed a quick game of street cricket with a local 3-year-old—future bowler in the making!

Final School of the Day

At the final school Huhoini Primary School, a dusty pitch awaited us. We ran three rotations of batting, fielding, and bowling, with Mathias guiding the younger ones. After a quick selfie with the deputy head (since the head teacher was unavailable), we headed out, chased down the road by a few enthusiastic kids.

Post Cricket

An honourable mention to Sorcha who downed a considerable amount of water (see pic below) and almost fake drowned! No pool volleyball for us tonight, but a bit of active recovery in the pool for another full day tomorrow.

Stay tuned to see who is writing tomorrows post.


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