What a privilege to go to our CWB ambassadors home town Siaya.
Driving through some beautiful scenery, slowly and bumpy due to many sleeping policeman, after 90 minutes we arrived.
It was to be a full on day with coaching education for the local teachers, a festival for three schools and coaching for the children in the same schools throughout the next 5 hours.

A formality to meet the head teachers, seemed easy, yet the first schools headmaster was not on site. Politeness and encouragement for about 15 mins and permission to release 10 boys and 10 girls for the festival as well as arrange year 4, 5 and 6 for cricket coaching and HIV education was achieved.
This same process repeated at the next school, who were fortunately expecting us, that isn’t to say they had their kids ready, nor told the coach that they had a board meeting till 12.00.

The day revealed great team work, splitting up to take the children for the festival, coaching, keeping a large number of very young children amused testing their catching skills in a circle , and then onto coach at the last school, we put on a massive relay session with about 250 youngsters. Setting up and getting them into teams and away we went. Messages of team play between boys and girls and fun was oozing out of their faces.
To top the day we were invited to Nicos fathers for chapati and dahl in his family home, meeting his 80 yr old father.
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