Day 12 – final festival

A final day in Kisumu and of the trip was a festival day, but unlike in Nakuru we also had some schools to visit. A stop at Obinju to start with gave us some more valuable evaluation data as well as fitting in our usual four stations in the smallest area yet. TLTBG, alongside local coach George and the games teacher, particularly enjoyed convincing the head teacher that the whole session would fit into the children’s break time as she was unwilling to let them miss class. I’m pretty sure that after an energetic CWB session productivity in the remaining classes of the day would be higher.

We squeezed in a visit to an orphanage after picking up some flour, sugar, detergent and other supplies and had a guided tour before the children arrived back from school at lunch time. Sian made an introduction for the team and then we headed back to Kisumu Secondary to set up the festival.

The festival saw a mixture of pairs cricket between 6 boys teams and three girls teams and a rapid fire competition between three schools. It was great to include so many different schools and to include a range of ages from 6 – 16 being able to take part in the same festival.

As soon as the festival got underway, a small group went to Kossawo school on the edged of Manyatta slums where Derrick has been coaching football but through CWB wants to introduce cricket as well. With over 9000 students and only 3 coaches it could have been a tough gig, but the well-organised and supportive teachers chose one stream of class 4 children and somehow created a force field so that the spectators kept a sensible distance whilst on break time.

A couple of sundowners overlooking the sunset on Lake Victoria sealed the trip.

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