Day 10 – taking it easy

After a busy schedule the day before we were promised an easy day today. As if.

Our first school was Highway Primary where we were greeted by the teacher already equipped in his CWB shirt. The playing field was back to being a dusty patch at the back of the classrooms but the team stepped up to welcome the children and continue with HIV messaging.

In a complete change our next school visit was to a church-based school with a pristine field and the most well behaved and dressed children we had come across so far. Unfortunately, the children didn’t seem quite as hardy and we had a couple of grazed knees even before the session had started (including Mattias who barely made a fuss as he cleaned the dust away from his wound)

Our final stop was at Kassagam which was where new coach Beatrice went to school. I’m not sure that arriving when the children were finishing their exam will give the school the results it’s looking for as any Muzungu sighting is always a distraction. However, once the exam was over a keen bunch of students turned up on the puddle-filled field to play.

Still a busy day, but topped off by a trip to Lake Victoria to see (or at least hear) the hippos.

kenya2019 Written by:

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