Reflections on week 1

As I sit here reflecting on the past week, which feels like a mere couple of days, I am immensely proud of what both this CWB team and those that have gone before have achieved.

The time this week has been spent in Muranga and Kericho and there are genuine signs of a CWB legacy at the schools we have visited, both on a cricketing front and, more importantly, on a HIV/AIDS awareness front. To hear children chanting ABC before we have even managed to disembark the bus is testament to that.

HIV knowledge amongst those coached seems higher generally than any previous trip I have been on. That can only be the result of the excellent work of our ambassador Nicholas and local coaches Mathias (Muranga) and Shadrack (Kericho). It is clear from this trip that they take their HIV awareness work just as seriously as they take their cricket coaching and that surely bodes well for a bright future for CWB. Both Muranga and Kericho have high HIV prevalence rates and I hope that CWB continues to play a role in the wider effort to ensure the younger generation does not repeat mistakes of the past.


On a cricketing front, it is heartening to hear that two girls from a CWB coaching programme in Muranga (where no cricket was played whatsoever when CWB first visited 2 years ago) have been selected for the national team at their respective age groups. The new Regional competition instigated by Mathias will help cement future success I’m sure. It is also great to hear that Cricket Kenya are considering the installation of the first artificial wicket in Muranga as it is now one of their key development areas.

The team I have spent the last week with have been amazing. They were completely thrown in at the deep end coaching over 2000 children in their first day and a half. Everyone went without lunch both days (unless salted crisp sandwiches count as lunch) and yet no one seemed to tire or complain. In fact, if we had doubled the number of children, I suspect this team would have taken it in their stride. We have now completed 6 days of coaching, and are approaching 3500 children coached and the team are going from strength to strength. I know the second week will be just as successful and I am just gutted I won’t be there to share it with the team as I head back to Nairobi for a flight to London tomorrow. I will just about have enough time to join the team at our cricket festival tomorrow and that will be a great end to my time here.


On behalf of CWB I must thank (in no particular order) the team: Hannah, Jon, Tim, Gary, Mandy, Khush and Derek, our ambassadors Nicholas and Benjamin and the local coaches Daniel, George, Mathias and Shadrack.


For any prospective volunteers reading this blog and wondering whether to join a CWB trip, just do it. You won’t regret it. This has been my 5th trip and I know there will be many more to come.

I am shortly off for my final meal with the team and a chance to reflect over a cold Tusker on our first week. It is also designated as fines night, so I had better visit the cashpoint to pay for my doubtless many ineptitudes.

Asante Sana team. Asante Sana Kenya.

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