A Day in the Life of Coach Dero – Day 6

Day six coach Derek reporting. A very comfortable night spent at our new hotel Taidy’s in Kericho. A big hotel surrounded by tropical gardens. Heavy rain over night so we woke to a cool clear morning. Away by 8.15am to our first coaching session of the day, Highlands Primary School. We were warmly greeted by the deputy head and the sports teacher and the usual gaggle of excited children. They revealed they were not expecting us! Nevertheless 200 were quickly found and off we went with all our kit their their playing field. Not a blade of grass to be found. The overnight rain had turned the red earth into red mud. After the usual inspiring and entertaining introductions by coach Nick and coach Gary off we went. Ankle deep mud just adds to the fun. Five coaching exercises with the children running from one to the other with their shoes caked in mud. Hannah leading 80 children in singing “Everywhere we go” was priceless.



Off to our next shool. The sun now out and much warmer. The Kericho Township School had a large grassy field for us to use. Again 200 children gathered on the field and were divided into 5 groups for a quick cricket session. Save for the heard of cows that invaded fine leg at one point this too was a very successful session. Some fine cricketers amongst the children.


Lunch at the Kericho Tea Hotel, sadly the resident  monkeys  failed to put in an appearance much to the the disappointment of Khush. On to our final destination of the day, the Kipchamgaa Children’s Home. A privately funded orphanage run by the wonderful Stella and her team of dedicated mothers. As the children arrived home from school we opened some of the gifts we had brought them. It’s amazing what fun can be had from a few packets of balloons. Twelve coaches, 25 excited children all in one room. The looks on their faces were priceless.

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