The title tells you our home for the last three days. Today started well as usual and the team was ready to continue putting smiles on childrens faces as well as reminding them of the ABCT message central to the project.
We paid the first visit to New Life Home Trust where we were touched by some amazing kids. The home currently hosts 67 children including those with special needs. The home even included a sensory room for the kids but no phorography was allowed to ensure nothing ended up on social media. We spent time in the kids room where we cuddled and played with the children. Some of them were reluctant to let go of their arms around our shoulders as we were leaving.
Time caught up with us and we left to visit Kisumu Senior Academy where we met with Derek (from Kisumu) who currently coaches cricket at the school. The students were familiar with the game of cricket so we played kwik cricket and incorporated the HIV/AIDS messages. There was stiff competition between the teams and they all had a lot of fun.
We had a quick lunch then travelled to Hovic Childrens Home (for street children) where we took some presents. The kids are very talented in their beading of bracelets so they are making some for the CWB team.
Finally, we travelled to the last school called M.M.Shah Nursery and Primary school and we were greeted by some amazing kids. We set up some skills stations ready for the kids. Hannah (Queen of Africa) and I ran a catching drill which we both really enjoyed as coaches as the children were very receptive. We did then travel to the next school planned but we were informed there was a dispute amongst the teachers so no cricket would be taking place! We duely left and caught the sunset at Kiboko Bay resort (still no hippos to be seen) along with a fantastic team meal.
What a successful day!
Benji (Masai Cricket Warriors)
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