Our first stop in Kenya was Murang’a,
Three days, eight schools and 2000 children later,
At every visit so far we’ve done the Conga!
Massive smiles, waves and high fives greet us at each gate,
Through catching, throwing, batting, bowling the children rotate,
ABC-CWB are the letters they chant and dance to as they go round,
Learning a very important message for life, as they leap and bound!
Our IceMan’s awesome driving skills have been put to the test,
His ability to navigate through the tiniest entrances, way above the rest!
Gary’s amazing Spotify playlist has become the highlight of our rides,
A time to chill and eat bananas as the bus rattles along the road and side to side!
We travel on to Kericho after one more school tomorrow morning,
The next pin on the African map as the Kenya 2016 crew continues touring.
More schools and the HIV ABC message delivered to more children through cricket,
Really is worth so much more than just a wicket!
Tonight we go back to the Blue Post for dinner,
Food for champions to ensure tomorrow is a winner!
We say goodbye to Golden Palm but take our new friends with us,
Nicholas, Benjamin, Matthias and Daniel, inspiring coaches with the minimum of fuss!
Let’s finish off with you chanting along to our favourite song:
Hold the A… HOLD THE A
Look at the B… LOOK AT THE B
Kick the C… KICK THE C
(Feel free to create your own moves, or if you ask nicely Nicholas might go on video singing and dancing!)
By Khush
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