This morning we ran a big competitions day for all the children we saw yesterday. Rich set us up to play 4 games of Kwik Cricket concurrently, half for the young ones and the older children playing in a separate group. Each team played 4 games each and it was really encouraging to see them organising themselves well by their 3rd & 4th games.

We had some really talented players involved, some of them could hit the ball a long way, throw it powerfully and we even saw some really good catching. I was really impressed and considering they hadn’t played cricket before yesterday, it’s testament to the vast amounts of talent that must be born in to this country.

The coaches we’d been working with here at MYSA all got to see how we run a competition day and they got involved well themselves, everybody had a good time and the certificates & winners t-shirts went down really well.

After a spot of lunch we headed off to the Rift Valley to start working with a new group of people. I write to you now en-route, almost permanently jaw dropped as I ‘learn’ more about Kenyan roads & driving…

…an unexpected trip on a boat in the afternoon meant we saw some hippos, zebras, giraffes, things like that. Makes me want to watch the Lion King, or at least learn the words to the songs from it!