After going through the skills with the teachers yesterday, we decided to show them some games today. We ran a 5-station rotation early doors which worked really well, it’s amazing that as soon as you introduce some competition they really come out of their shells and before you know it we’re awash with shouting and laughing.

I really like working with adults, I think it’s more of a 1-2-1 relationship you can enjoy with them as opposed to being a bit of an entertainer with some of the children. Quite a few of the coaches here have different opinions and I think it’s great that we have such a mix here. You’ll note I said “the coaches” just then, myself & Rich were very pleased that as the cricketers in the group we could just stand back this morning and let the guys & Mac get on and run a tournament for 200 people. They’re doing so well out here, I hope one or two of them go in to coaching officially when we return.

Trying to depart was an interesting experience. We were completely mobbed, but in a different way this time, as they all wanted their photos taken with us. I decided we could sell this as a Red Letter Day, perhaps a “Celebrity Experience” as you constantly shake hands, smile and pull poses for the camera. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, it’s an amazing gift to be able to give somebody so much with such little effort.

We headed off on the massively long trip back to Nakuru in the afternoon, via a failed trip to a tea plantation. It’s fairly typical of the planning here in Kenya that we were told we could go look around despite there being pretty clear signs saying you needed an invitation to be admitted. Just before turning around we decided to try our trump card; David DJ Jamieson.

It’s been an honour to see this former MP work, he must be the most sociable person in the world. He is almost constantly off saying hello to people, in the week we’ve been here we’ve seen him on top of an old brick building, on theatrical stage, in a choir and today he was asked to pose for a portrait. He’s the one we send to meet & greet, haggle a good price, and so we thought we’d see if he could get us in to the tea plantation. Off he goes in his trilby hat towards security and within 30 seconds we’ve seen good firm handshakes with everybody, big smiles and laughter from everybody. He’s there for a while, we think he’s done it again but unfortunately this time he comes up dry. Still, it was a treat for all of us to see a genius in action.