Hello. To begin this blog I thought it would be best to firstly introduce myself and explore a few of the reasons why myself, and others, would choose to volunteer for Cricket Without Boundaries.
In my day job, I work with many volunteers and an often asked question in my office is what motivates someone to volunteer either their time or their money to support a specific cause. I am not going to pretend that this is a purely altruistic decision, although the reason for me is a combination of supporting a cause that is very close to my heart and that this project appeals to me as an opportunity for adventure.
I am an avowed globe trotter, having previously spent time working in China, the US and Australia, and having travelled across the Trans-Siberian Railway and down Route 101. Where possible I like to experience the authentic culture of the countries that I visit. I realise that this statement is a massive cliché, and in some ways an unobtainable ideal, but nevertheless this is the reason I would never choose to spend my time abroad staying entirely at a beach resort or on a game reserve.
This project will offer at the very least a sample of Africa, the one continent that I have never visited. I have heard it said that people tend to love or loathe Africa, now is my opportunity to see where I stand in this equation. Two weeks is not long enough to answer all the questions I have, but I will try and learn as much as I can and to report as truthfully as possible what I find and how I feel.
As mentioned the second main reason why I have chosen Cricket Without Boundaries is the cause. I believe in youth development, supporting the developing world and educating the vulnerable about the dangers of HIV, what right minded person doesn’t? In addition I am also hopelessly addicted to the game of cricket. The combination of these factors is something that tempted me to apply.
As a proud Yorkshireman, I do sometimes wonder if cricket is hard-wired into my DNA. Growing up amidst the greying mills of rural Huddersfield, in a land of Wilfred Rhodes, George Hirst and Ryan Sidebottom, filled with villages huddled protectively around their each and own cricket field. Despite my own (limited) cricketing skills I have gained an incredible amount of enjoyment from the game, and I hope I can pass this thrill and excitement on to the people I meet in Kenya.
Having met the other volunteers at the training weekend it is clear there are a variety of reasons why others apply. There is a wide range in age and in cricketing experience. Some of the volunteers are experienced coaches who work in cricket and youth development as part of their career, others have little knowledge of the game and were attracted more by the HIV awareness aspect. One coach explained to me that he spends much of his life coaching privileged children at private schools, so this was an opportunity to give something back to the game.
I look forward to telling you more about my project over the next two weeks.