First iMpressIons: A Returning visitor

By Gary Storer

Our first day in Nairobi and Harry and I went for a short walk to get some provisions. I was reminded just how much many people in Kenya are struggling with life and poverty in this bustling, dusty neighbourhood.

Then this afternoon we met up with Nick our country ambassador and helped him with one of the schools he coaches. There were about 50 children from 5-15. Some were very good cricketers, a tribute to Nicks coaching.

Everyone was interested and loved playing ball games. It’s lovely to see how some, initially shy ones then flower through the CWB inclusive approach, their smiles and enthusiasm brightening the day.

All were rapt as Tanya led a session about HIV. I was struck by how knowledgeable they seemed about this tough subject four years after I was last here. In one discussion they seemed to take it as natural that women were not less important than males. “We are all equal” said one 8 year old as if answering a question that didn’t need to be asked.

Kenya has a challenge on its hand that’s bigger than cricket but this generation could pull them through.

Back to the hotel enlightened and hopeful.

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