About the project

girlsThis February Cricket Without Boundaries are sending a team of mainly female volunteers out to Kenya to deliver a flagship project to tackle the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) amongst young girls in the country. We have teamed up with FGM charity ’28 Too Many’, the Maasai Cricket Warriors and Cricket Kenya to deliver this project.

Together we will use cricket as the vehicle to support girls aged between 14-16 years, who may already have had the procedure done, and will spread the message about the dangers of the practice of FGM  – particularly in increasing the spread of HIV/AIDS –  in order to break the cycle of its continued practice. We will also be working with teachers, midwives and health-workers in the area.

In the lead up to the project we will be updating on the project’s progress, covering the work we are doing to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our work, how we are going to fuse cricket coaching with our messages about FGM and HIV, as well as providing background information about FGM and its prevalence within Kenya, particularly in the Maasai areas.

Whilst we are out there this blog will be updated daily with the work we are undertaking. Post trip we will update on the work that has continued.

It’s an exciting project for Cricket Without Boundaries, watch this space for further updates.

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