Meet the Team – Part 2

We have spoken about them so much already on the blog, it seems fitting that we did a  ‘Meet the Team – Part 2’ to introduce you to our four amazing Kenyan cricket coaches.

Benjamen Seko Olemamai – Maasai Cricket Warrior

Benjamin picI am Benjamen Seko Olemamai, Maasai Cricket Warrior, spreading the message to end FGM to society. As a Maasai Cricket Warrior I am an Ambassador against FGM and early marriages, as well as raising HIV awareness in my community. Working with CWB is a part of learning for me, since I get new ideas to spread to our community different ways to deliver important messages through cricket and to help people from evil in our society. I appreciate CWB for taking this role of spreading the messages to our people. We hope to be role models to our society.

Daniel Olemamai – Maasai Cricket Warrior

2015-02-18_08-33-10I am Daniel Olemamai, born a Maasai Warrior in my village. After my school I joined the world of cricket. In 2007 up until now I dedicate myself to helping young boys and girls, about the bad aspects of culture within my community using cricket as tool to spread messages to end FGM, HIV and AIDS. I thank God that the Elders in my village have accepted the END of FGM and their pledge for this. Thanks to CWB for volunteering to save lives of young African girls and boys.

George Owino – Social Worker and volunteer cricket coach

georgeJambo!!!! I am George Owino, a social worker, and it’s been quite a ride working with CWB for the past few years coaching about HIV/AIDS and undertaking the new project to fight FGM in the Maasai community. It is a big achievement regarding the social support we are being offered by the elders and the Commissioner in the area we are coaching at, and I am really grateful to have undertaken this opportunity as it’s a life changing project.

 Nicholas Oluoch – Kenyan CWB Ambassador

2015-02-18_08-33-56Hamjambo! My name is Nicholas, CWB Ambassador Kenya, a representative of Cricket Kenya and the national team. My role as a CWB team member has absolutely been amazing. The social intelligence aspect of the frequent visits to CWB makes to areas of Kenya, that I hardly know, and coming out with something beneficial to the people affected, has really warmed my heart with such great gratitude that I am much privileged that there are many people who can actually benefit from my abilities. There is not much joy than changing a life. God bless all the volunteers who dedicate the time and resources to have a positive impact in Africa, and Kenya being one of the main beneficiaries. Asante sana.


This post follows on from our first ‘meet the team’ blog found here

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