One Brave Step

Today 120 children took part in the ultimate cricket festival at the Maasai Cricket Warriors’ ground in Il Polei. The festival was a great set up with the Maasai Cricket Warriors and the Kenyan coaches running the games with CWB’s assistance. The teams that were on rest break gained knowledge and awareness about FGM from mini interactive sessions delivered by Esther & Ann-Marie from 28 Too Many. The Chief of the Elders came along to show his support and the festival went exceptionally well and was enjoyed by all who took part.

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After awarding the winning teams their prizes we went to a very high rock to climb. Daniel (Maasai Cricket Warrior) helped the team up awkward parts of the rock by pulling members of the team, including Gary, up over a particularly difficult section one handed. His strength and athleticism continues to inspire. Eventually we all made it to the top where we enjoyed incredible scenery. On the way down we saw some bones lying around, to which Daniel helpfully informed us, ‘ The leopards have left these here!’

We then made our way to meet Nancy, the reason this project began. Nancy is Daniel & Benjamen’s sister, and the first woman in their family to not undergo FGM.

The reason for this is that Daniel and Benjamen had learnt that FGM was wrong and harmful. They spoke up and informed their family of the truth. Thanks to the boys’ bravery in speaking out and standing up in courage to protect their sister, she did not face the barbaric procedure and is now enjoying gaining an education and thriving in school, and dreams of becoming a Doctor.

ben dan and nancy

A year ago today on a CWB project in Kenya, Daniel spoke to Tracey & Gary about the need to win the fight against FGM and of the need in the community for CWB’s help to tackle this issue. We all could see that CWB could help and responded positively to Daniel’s invite to help the Maasai Cricket Warriors with eradicating FGM in Laikipia.

A year later, following a year of planning and joining up with 28 Too Many, we are here delivering the first ever CWB anti-FGM project. We thought this project was a pilot, but it has quickly become the pioneering launch of a very successful project that will surely continue to develop and reach many more people.

From one girl’s brave step to say no to FGM, thanks to the support of her brothers, by the end of today we will have coached and got 1750 people to sign up to be a part of a anti FGM message in Laikipia. The whole community has got behind the scheme, including the District Commissioner, Chief of the Maasai Elders, Chief of Police, the Local Health Centre, Community Health Workers, Midwives, Nurses, School Teachers, Young Leaders, Pastors, and many more..

If the power of one girl and her brothers can cause of all this…. If even just a sample of the 1750 reached this week stood up and spoke out against FGM, protected there sisters, or said no to their daughters having it done… Wow! What an impact! What a change! What an amazing testament to the power of one voice… One act of bravery!

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