Ode to a Perfect Team

The perfect Maasai Warrior

Should be a Tour de Force

Determined, single minded, proud

It’s Daniel of course.


Ice Man is our driver

He handles bumps and bends

We trust him with our valuables

To him our thanks we send.


The back seat occupier

Has worked hard all week

We love him for his Camera work

But mostly for his cheek! (George)


Strong, empowered, determined

Beautiful and true

Expert, kind, remarkable

Esther this is you.


Now, this one’s quite a lady

No nonsense will she stand

Ann-Marie, to your life’s work,

We hope we’ve lent a hand.


There is just one more person

(I’ve saved the best till last)

She’d like to raise a glass to you

And say “it’s been a blast”.


To this intrepid party

We bid a fond adieu

But with this word of warning

FGM we’re after you!!

Hannah Weaver

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