George’s thoughts

Social Worker and Volunteer Cricket Coach, George Owino, summarises his thoughts on the trip so far:

What a trip it’s been… No words can explain the experience, the adventure and none the less the message we have empowered to the local Maasai community about FGM and about the greatest gentleman game ever invented – Cricket. We really are happy that we have done this wonderful stuff to change the barbaric culture that it is denying thousands of girl’s self-respect, education, their rights and freedom.

This week I met this young girl, not older than my sister (14 years old) and she had a baby boy aged around 8 months and it’s very painful to see that she is a mother at a tender age when she should be school. As an activist I would love to see that the girl child and the boy child have equal rights, so as to change the society we live in and for the future generations.

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