As part of this project and our work it is vital that we get the buy in from key figures within the Maasai community to forge a joined up approach to end FGM (remember the ‘T’ in the B.A.T messages!) This morning we met with the District Commissioner, Mr Kamau, who governs North Laikipia and the Head of Police, Issac Mokolo. Our aim was simple, we wanted their buy in and commitment to take forward the changes that the Kenyan government made to make FGM illegal in 2011 and to support the work that we are doing in the area.
During the meeting Mr Kamau told us about his work within the community to support young girls who have been cut or maybe subjected to FGM and to take forward prosecutions. He told us that; ‘Nothing is more rewarding than to see a young girl we have rescued with a school uniform on and her satchel going to school. We will win.’ They both were fully behind the work we are doing and with theirs and the elders support – we will win to end FGM.