Today was our first school visit.  By now we were all well aware of the infamous ‘CWB days’ that have happened more than once and involve double the number of excitable children you’re expecting, half the amount of space and completely flummoxed expressions when cricket is mentioned.  As our trusty tour bus (see yesterday’s blog for a photo) rolled through the school gates the looks of fear on the team’s faces suggested this might be just such a day.  We were greeted by a wave of sound that can only be made by 180 kids joyously cheering the sight of your arrival.  Having been expecting around half this number for the first session, the signs were ominous.  We nervously left the bus and headed towards the throng of excitable kids. 

At this point we were preparing to scrap coaching plan A and resort to plan D or E.  However, to our own discredit we had underestimated Derrick’s organisational skills and it soon became apparent that around half of the assembled mass would be going back to class for an hour and would be returning to take part in our second session.  This left us with around 100 children taking part in session 1.  It was also clear that we’d have a reasonably large area to work with, allowing us to run a series of skills stations and then a few games of Kwik-Cricket to finish, and that there was some prior experience of cricket amongst the pupils.  We ran two sessions, with lots of ‘A! B! C!’ chanting, a konga line or two and a few barely controlled scrums to get some wrist bands at the end of the morning.  The school treated us to a wholesome lunch afterwards, which was very much appreciated after a tiring session, with temperatures pushing the 30s. 


(lots of enthusiasm for cricket)


(Sarah as popular as ever with the kids)


(Sarah and Beth leading the Conga!!)


(C for CWB)

The afternoon was spent at another primary school.  On the way we stopped at a local handicraft market, where Carl proceeded to empty his wallet on miniature animals (pretty sure he’s got the complete big 5) and the rest of the team got stuck into some haggling with the traders.  Trinkets secured, we got cracking with some coaching.  Carl enthusiastically launched into the introduction of CWB and the key HIV/AIDS awareness messages.  However, it was clear that the 80 or so children were not as aware of the ABC messages as the kids we’d coached in the morning.  ‘What does A stand for?!’ was met with a mumbled response from a single public, while the mention of condoms was met with a smattering of giggles. 

Fast forward an hour and a half later, with a successful coaching session behind us, we had an entire school bellowing ‘CONDOMS!’ and leaving with an improved understanding of the ABCs.  An afternoon well spent and really emphasising the major point of CWB’s work throughout Africa.


(Carl reinforcing the ABCs)


(C is for CONDOMS!)

We’re having a chilled one on the roof top terrace of the hotel tonight following a tiring day.  With temperatures this afternoon well into the 30s there’s a few drained faces and pink limbs that suggest a good rest is in order.  We’ve a busy day ahead tomorrow, but hopefully we’ll be prepared for it after asking the chef to double the somewhat meagre portion sizes!   

