We're a matter of days away from the off now and the team are looking forward to landing in Nairobi and getting stuck into 2 weeks of coaching. The team all met each other for the first time at the training weekend in mid-Sept and got on well, including winning most of the games against other CWB teams, not that we're competitive! Given that this is the first blog post for Team Kenya Autumn 2013, it seems fitting to start with an introduction to the team members. So here goes.
Beth Jones (Mum)
Beth is currently at student at Bangor University studying History and spends much of the rest of her time playing sport including, of course, cricket, playing regularly for Forton CC. She is a Level 1 qualified cricket coach and is in the process of doing the Level 2. Beth is also a keen horse rider.
She quickly earned the title 'Mum' at the training weekend due to her willingness to make sure all the essential items were taken care of, which will undoubtedly be useful in Kenya. Beth is a first time CWB volunteer and it will also be her first time in Kenya.
Sarah Hickman (The Old Hand)
Despite being the youngest member of the team, Sarah brings significant experience with her having previously travelled to Kenya with CWB in 2012. Always useful to have at least one person that knows what to expect, but so far all of her feedback has been nothing but positive.
Sarah recently completed her A-levels and is soon to start university. She enjoys playing cricket, netball and occasionally swimming. She's also a part-time lifeguard, which may prove useful if anyone falls in Lake Victoria!
David Dunn (The Chairman)
David recently sold his plumbing and heating business leaving him plenty of time to get stuck into his other passions of cooking, gardening, making cider and, of course, cricket. He's been chairman of his local club, Poulton CC, for 15 years and is heavily involved in coaching kids at the club.
David is new to CWB but has previously visited Kenya, although mostly in the larger cities, so he's looking forward to getting off the beaten track with CWB.
Safdar Butt (The Local)
Safdar very helpfully brings some local expertise (and language skills) to the group, having grown up in Kenya, although he now lives in the UK. He recited some interesting stories at the training weekend about growing up in Kenya and I'm sure more will emerge as we go through the trip. Especially useful for passing time on long bus journeys.
Safdar plays cricket for his local club and is also involved in coaching the youth teams. He is a qualified coach and this is his first trip with CWB.
Ian Stocker (The Treasurer)
Ian also has previous experience with CWB, having travelled to Kenya in 2011. He's looking forward to revisiting Kisumu and Nakuru in particular. Ian works in the city in London, so we're putting him in charge of day-to-day finances for the trip.
He is another keen cricketer (funnily enough I sense a theme developing here), playing and coaching (Level 2 qualified) at Horsham CC. Ian's also a keen cyclist, which has formed a major part of his fundraising effort, and seems to enjoy spending his Sunday's simultaneously infuriating 22 men in his capacity as a qualified football referee. If nothing else, we know he's brave!
David 'Gellers' Gelling (The Veteran)
Gellers has plenty of experience in all things CWB, having previously been to Botswana in the Autumn of last year. He has travelled extensively, mostly in his previous role in the army, where he toured N.Ireland, Falklands, Belize and KENYA, to name but a few.
Gellers is also a Level 3 qualified coach and works with the ECB, Hampshire and ICC Europe. He used to play for teams in the Army and Combined Forces, as well as Lancashire Ground Staff. His extensive experience of coaching throughout the world will be a big asset to the trip.
Carl Ferguson (The Leader)
Carl will be the Project Leader for the Kenya Autumn 2013 trip, drawing on all of his skills as a real life planner for National Rail. He insists that train delays are not his fault though. Carl has also previously lead a CWB team in Rwanda in 2012, so he knows to expect the unexpected. He's not been to Kenya before, so it will present a new challenge.
Carl is self-confessed sports mad, with cricket his main passion but rugby, football and tennis all getting a look in. He plays for Flitwick CC and has previously captained the side for 5 years.
Callum Mayfield (Editor-in-Chief)
By process of elimination, that only leaves myself left to complete the introductions. I work as a management consultant in the mining industry. I'm also a keen cricketer, currently playing for Putney CC in London but growing up playing for Weston Colville CC in Cambridgeshire. I'm also a keen footballer and play other sorts such as tennis and golf with varying degrees of success.
I have been charged with coordinating all of the digital communication while we're in Kenya, so expect to hear regularly from me with blog post updates of our day-to-day activities, compelling stories, lots of pictures. Although, I'm sure we'll have a few guest bloggers along the way as well.
That completes the introduction to the team and the first blog post for Team Kenya Autumn 2013. Keep watching for regular updates of our day-to-day activities over the next few weeks. I can tell from the last minute emails that are flying around, everyone is really excited to get started, get coaching and get spreading HIV/AIDS awareness messages in Kisumu, Busia and Nakaru. Only 4 days to go now!
Goodbye for now,
Jeremy knott says:
Oct 9, 2013
Hey Sarah you're going back for more! Well done and I hope it's as memorable. As the old hand you can take control of provisions though not the alcohol of course. Have a great time.
Jezza the Scarf
Mark says:
Oct 9, 2013
Good luck guys.
Sal says:
Oct 10, 2013
Guys – Hope the packing is going ok. Safe journey and can't wait to hear all about it! x