CWB Trustee – Ed’s Final Thoughts
Touching down in a drizzly and damp Heathrow on Friday morning I could not help but reflect at the end of a mad 3 weeks. I had spent a week in Kigali with the Rwanda project to help with a BBC radio 5 documentary on CWB, I then came back for a 5 day trial...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 12
It was Ed and Jock’s last night with the team so there was an emotional farewell this morning. After days of no rain we were treated to almost continuous rain overnight, so an interesting journey ensued. It became particularly hairy when we came across two lorries and a minibus stuck in the middle of the...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 11
Today was our first day of coaching in schools in the Laikipia East area. The journey was particularly treacherous as our drivers navigated us around what I would call cliff edges. They also drove through what seemed like very rough terrain, except for two mud lines where previous cars had driven. However, the navigation wasn’t...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 9
The day couldn’t have started any better. I woke up to the sunrise and view of Mount Kenya, had the best breakfast of the trip, a dry run of road, and being stopped at a zebra crossing on the way. Around 10 metres in front, a pack of about 20 zebra crossed the tack and...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 6
Today was the day of the schools tournament. There was a boy’s competition and girls’ competition, but not how you would think. All the teams were mixed except in the girls’ competition a girl was captain and in the boys’ competition, a boy was captain. After we had established exactly what schools were coming, the...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 2
A good load up at breakfast was required for a long day of coach education and after close avoidance of the thick gravy looking ‘porridge’, as they so called it, this was accomplished. The first task of the day was to find an internet café to upload the blog. After being hounded to buy a...

Holly Colvin Blog – Day 1
Arriving at the airport was nerve-racking, not only because I had only met one member of the team before, but also the fact that I was carrying 100kg of kit with me. Well there was really no need to worry, the team are an absolute delight and we wangled well over our allocated weight limit...

CWB Autumn 2012
This October volunteers from CWB will be once again travelling to Kenya to coach and develop cricket with key AIDS awareness messages. You can follow their progress here on this blog.

Meet the Team
Made up of an England international, a Scottish cricketer (who knew?!), one of this year's youngest volunteers, a man who waxed his chest for CWB, some guy who fell in a stream on a fundraising run and a seasoned campaigner with a thing for women’s scarves, meet Team Kenya! Despite having to cope without the...

About Kenya
Kenya is situated on the east coast of Africa, surrounded by Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Somalia and Tanzania, and with the Indian Ocean along Kenya’s eastern coastline. The population is approximately 39 million. The majority of the inhabitants are Christian while the average life expectancy is 55 years. Nairobi is the capital of Kenya. Kenya is...

HIV and AIDS in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is more heavily affected by HIV and AIDS than any other region of the world. An estimated 22.4 million people are living with HIV in the region – around two thirds of the global total. In 2008 around 1.4 million people died from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and 1.9 million people became infected...

Cricket Without Boundaries
The Cricket Without Boundaries Trust was established in April 2005 by founder-trustees Andy Hobbs, Chris Kangis and Ed Williams. It is a registered charity in the UK, number 1111316, operating under the name of Cricket Without Boundaries (“CWB”). CWB has three main goals: To spread cricket through coaching children and teaching adults how to coach;...
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