It was Ed and Jock’s last night with the team so there was an emotional farewell this morning.

After days of no rain we were treated to almost continuous rain overnight, so an interesting journey ensued. It became particularly hairy when we came across two lorries and a minibus stuck in the middle of the road. We even went into the side at one point trying to avoid this and very nearly tipped – again all part of the experience.

On the way the cruiser in front picked up two Massai women in exchange for directions – good exchange. Our first school was Segera Mission Primary, which housed 180 kids. The highlight of this session was most definitely the ‘chant off’ at the end with every single group yelling “ABC CWB” at the top of their voice. It was amazing. This was closely followed by the way Sarah wrapped up the session.  To see her confidence grow over the trip has been inspiring to see.  The mission was also home to a health clinic which sees 10,000 people a year. This is a remarkable number due to how remote and sparsely populated the area is.

The 2nd school, Uaso Nyiro Primary, had the biggest open space to play cricket in we’ve seen all trip. It was a remarkable setting in the heart of the plains and we coached 250 kids. But one of the highlights of this visit was when James introduced himself as Luke to the headmaster. This was completely accidental, he was just not with it as usual.  These kids were completely natural athletes a recurring theme running through the whole of Africa. It was also the end of schools coaching and I’m sad to see the end of it. It has most definitely been my favourite part of the trip.

We stopped off at Nanyuki on the way home for more supplies, which took longer than expected. This was because our cruiser needed fixing, apparently our brakes weren’t working properly!

When we eventually got home dinner was served and we were not disappointed with steak and wedges. A lot of people want to take our chef Lucas with us and start our own chain of restaurants. Solomon, one of our drivers, also made our night by the cutest little giggle. Peter – one of the coaches from Nakuru – and him just lost it and couldn’t stop after a quip about eating zebra meat (it was actually beef). It was so nice to see them finally coming out of their shell. An early night was in order tonight with the big tournament due the next day.

Night all….