The Roonies got to bed at about 2.30 am after over 15 hours travelling but were still up and raring to go for a teacher training session starting at 9.30. A quick stop for some croissant and eau and we were on to teach 22 local teachers the skills, drills and games to spread the knowledge of our beautiful game but even more importantly, how to link these to the HIV health messages that are so important. This was a nice, easy intro to coaching in Africa that was appreciated by our slightly tired team.
The afternoon saw us supporting the Cameroon U21 football team against Congo Brazzaville at the national stadium. An average game of football was livened up by the drumming and dancing of the fans in the stand next to us and at one point a full brass band section joined in. Free entry, a cold beer and photos by the mighty Cameroon lion made up for not being able to blag our way in to the VIP area (curse our shorts!).
An early dinner and an early night was welcomed by us all, a good nights sleep needed to set us up for the next day.