So easy, a 3 year old could do it

After a long drive to Buea and a good nights sleep, all the team were up and running by 8.45. Irreplaceable Johnson drove us expertly to Government High School Buea where, unsurprisingly for Cameroon (East or West, French-speaking or English-speaking) a hoard of footballers had taken over the ground. Some haggling later, we were told the pitch would be free in 30 minutes (cricket 1 – football 0) so plan B was put in place. A dozen teachers from local schools were attentively listening to the informative introduction given by Tracey, followed up by a high standard talk by Becca. CWB seemed to have visited some of the schools before but new staff from these same schools as well as new faces were eager to receive a hands-on cricket course. A handball court saw us setting up two catching workshops: each group was taught the skill and how to integrate the ABCT message and went on to teaching the other group. As always, our sessions caught the attention of young passers-by and we took turns to deliver unofficial sessions to kids.

Having moved to a bigger pitch, teachers learnt in practice about bowling and batting. Our CWB little helper Driscole (3 year-old wannabe cricket coach, expert in setting up cones and building stumps), two games were set up and were the final highlight of the day for all, staff being as eager to perform as a bunch of 12 year-olds. After a hard working coach ed session, we offered some water while certificates were handed out to deserving cricketers for a day and beyond. Lawrence efficiently organised our programme for the week ahead. With a half day of free time , we went in search of a bar showing the rugby world cup. While some would say we miserably failed (well, we are here for cricket and football was on!), we had a very fruitful afternoon: 6 in a cab (piled up Cameroon style), seeing massive jackfruits and talking to the locals, a stop to a local fabric stall and a quick visit to a tailor will see 4 of us all decked out for few thousands CAF (less than £70). As for the men, beers and cricket kept them entertained.

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