Today brought to you by Frosty
I take my seat in front of an electronic shop and another which sells various things. A hundred Bamenda locals are behind me and CWB Team Roon now dressed in Cameroon football tops get a lot of attention. There is obvious excitement as Cameroon begin to dominate in a chanceless first half. The uneventful game allows me to think back to the morning.
It began what seems like a long time ago. We arrived at Longla comprehensive school (LCC). There we were met by a friend of CWB, Patrick Mbah Okwen. Patrick lives in Bemenda and works as a medical Doctor and researcher with the Cochrane collaboration and has teamed up with team roon in order to collect data and assist us with impact evaluation. We are all keen to see the results. Soon after warm greetings and smiles 120 boys and girls get CWB coaching and receive important health messages. 14 teachers took part in Coach Education and learnt a new sport and new teaching methods. Pauline was one of the 14, she is the cricket coordinator and her enthusiasm was clear to see along with her smile.
Throughout the coach eduction session it was great to see the development of the teachers and the enjoyment they received from the great game of cricket.
My thoughts were interrupted by screams as Cameroon score the games only goal. Richard is thrown into the limelight as a shout tells all that the goalscorer is the name on the back of his shirt and laughter fills the place as he spins around with hands reaching for the sky.
Cheers continued as the final whistle sounded and the music was turned up to the delight of Luke. I have visited the odd dance floor in my time so watching Luke’s dance moves was a real experience. Anyone that knows Luke should ask him to show you the moves he used to win the dance off with a local chap.
The day is completed with one more step forward for the growth of cricket in Cameroon and the awareness of HIV/AIDS.