Our trip has come and gone so fast
But memories for us all will last .
From England’s shires, with cold and rain
To Cameroonian sun we came.
We didn’t really know the score,
As we landed at Duoala’s shore.
Our senses have a massive treat ,
From sights to sound and intense heat.
We met our guides called Jules and James,
And Idris as a friend too, came.
Four schools around Douala seen,
With pupils and their staff so keen,
To try a play our cricket games
As “sida”info we proclaim .
Our group is Andy, Dom and Sam
Ian , David and Jess (Madame).
As newbies to this sort of stuff,
And language skills a little rough
Though gain in confidence we do
As many sessions we run through.
To Buea for a day we go
To take part in a cricket show.
Against the National cricket side,
We try our best but wickets slide
And victory to our host assured
Our real talents have been obscured.
So to Yaoundé off we go
With Simon(e) and his driving show,
Of making lanes where none exist
And on the horn , he does persist.
Yaoundé gives a different theme
New challenges for all the team.
From richer schools who English speak
To ones, not so “magnifique “
So would we do this all again,
Or take the easy choice of Spain.
CWB has been immense
And given us a new found sense
Of how to help and have some fun
In Cameroonian hot sun.
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