Meet the team

Eight volunteers from CWB will be visiting Cameroon in March 2014. Meet them all here!

Dave Terrace

Ouvrir Batteur & Capitaine (Opening Batsman & Captain)


Lives: London

CWB Status: Project Leader, returning volunteer, tweets for @CWBAfrica, recruits newbies and according to Dave, he’s a ‘general legend’!

Reason for visiting Cameroon: New country, new people, new experiences

Hoping to….find that life changing story and successfully lead a project. (so far, so good!)

Jo Clarke

2014-01-26 13.23.12Demi Oblique Côté Fermé (Short Fine Leg)

Age: 31

Lives: Leeds

CWB Status: Cameroon Country Manager for CWB and returning volunteer.

Reason for visiting Cameroon: Follow up the first CWB/Cameroon project and see the     impact of its work and meet friends/teachers from 2012.

Hoping to….spend more time with local people, hearing their stories and making new   contacts for future trips.

Liam Burrell

2014-01-29 20.53.30Barriére Latérale (Deep Square-Leg)

Age: 18

Lives: Salisbury

CWB Status: Returning volunteer

Reason for visiting Cameroon: Enjoyed Rwanda so much in 2013 that he wanted to get straight back out on a CWB trip.

Hoping to….get across plenty of ABC messages and see plenty of smiles on faces throughout the 2 weeks.

Roger Newman

Entraîner & Relais Fermé (Coach & Silly Mid-On)

Age: 18 at heart, he says, somewhere in his 40’s he admits to!

Lives: Hastings

CWB Status: First time volunteer and the trips ECB Tutor

Reason for visiting Cameroon: To hopefully inspire a generation

Hoping to….fully enjoy his time and that all those ‘in country’ gain a love of cricket

David Fitt

Gardien de Guichet (Wicket-Keeper)

Age: 66

Lives: London

CWB Status: Returning volunteer

Reason for visiting Cameroon: To experience a new country and a return to coaching.

Hoping to….help children achieve sporting potentials and communicate the importance of HIV awareness.

Thom Manning

2014-01-26 11.42.03Arbitre Côté Lanceur (Bowlers End Umpire)


Lives: Bristol

CWB Status: First time volunteer

Reason for visiting Cameroon: Mid-life crisis! It also looked to be the most ‘interesting’ country given the newness of CWBs involvement.

Hoping to….experience a new continent and culture and rediscover a love for coaching cricket.

Jonathan Todd

Joueur Polyvalent (All-Rounder)

Age: 23

Lives: Chesterfield

CWB Status: Returning volunteer and HIV Lead

Reason for visiting Cameroon: To meet friends made on the last trip and to see how much they have progressed. 

Hoping to….develop the contacts made and hopefully put plans in place to help further the progression in Cameroon. Ensuring our delivery is at its highest for most impact.

Jules Farman


Scoreur &  Tournicoteur (Scorer & Leg-Spinner)

Age: 29

Lives: High Wycombe

CWB Status: Returning volunteer, CWB Women’s Group Lead, international Cricket Scorer trainer, fusing cricket coaching with mad dance moves.

Reason for visiting Cameroon: To be a part of and to promote the great work that CWB does in our newest project country.

Hoping to…. bring Roger Milla-esq goal celebrations to the game of cricket.

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