Despite an early night for most, the morning alarm felt rather early this morning, and it was seemingly only the omelette and coffee breakfast which provided the team with the energy to get up and go! That was until we arrived at GHS Buea School. After another Roger special warm-up, 66 lively* children each rotated around the three new-style skills stations in an hour and the CWB team headed away leaving the children wanting more when we return tomorrow. A brief stop-off at the hotel, on the way to our second location, allowed another intestinally challenged team member some time in his room!
For our next stop we once again returned to the site of Saturdays Coach Ed where we took two schools through some games of pairs. Coinciding largely with a break in lessons we had at one point, three games of non-stop cricket, two games of 'hit-the-ball-high-while-sixty-kids-try-to-catch-it'**, and one game of 'catching/dancing/conga'. The first of the schools consisted of primary aged children. When we arrived they were halfway through a long-jump competition! A couple of the CWB team 'had a go' but as determined triers couldn't beat a couple of 10 year olds!
The second school, GHS Buea Town, were an altogether different proposition. Teams were weighted heavily in favour of girls, with one match consisting of two all girl teams. Whilst this was fantastically competitive, and great to see it posed one or two problems for Thom and local coach Frank, as competitive successes and failures spilled over into teenage female arguments! Mostly between teams but sometimes between team-mates!
Having no experience in dealing in matters both female and teenage the game was stopped. Thom informed the girls that cricket, a game requiring many skills, has specialists, and that good batters are not necessarily good bowlers and as such the team should concentrate on the strengths not the weaknesses.
Morality lesson over the game restarted…… did the arguments!
A lunch stop at the hotel saw the team return to Bokwongo School, this time shrouded by fog? The plan was to get four matches on the go and build on the skills of yesterday's session in a game situation.
Wow! What a talented school. We saw plenty of straight arm bowling, some dynamic batting shots and some fantastic fielding. Girls and Boys alike Bokwongo School will provide stiff opposition to other schools at Thursdays festival.
*for 'lively' read – boisterous, noisy, ball-chucking, bat-swinging troublesome teenagers!
** The team have copyrighted/trademarked this catchy game name!
sounds like you are doing an awesome job team, some really memorable moments and it seems some really sustainable work as well with the teachers and local coaches. Super effort and like the naming of the game and the trademark…..i assume it is only trademakred for exactley 60 kids?
Looks like you guys are having a great time.. Fantastic pictures, great smiles and some celeb media appearences. Well done to you all.