Meet the Team – Part Deux!

The CWB Cameroon trip of March 2014 has been incredibly lucky to have worked with some exceptional local coaches, all of whom have become firm favourites of the travelling party. As well as being great coaches they have provided fantastic support as translators, as chaperones to local markets and as dancing advisors in and around the local nightlife!

Solefack Wamba James Callaghan 
33 years old, Captain of the Cameroon National Cricket Team, CCF Coach, CWB Coach and CCF Administrator.
James is the only Cameroonian on earth who owns a watch AND knows what it is for AND how to use it. Superb with the kids on a CWB level, James is very proud to be Captain of his national team and is very much looking forward to leading his team in the North West Africa Cricket Cup in Nigeria in November 2014.

Ngueudam Michel Raoul 
26 years old, Cameroon National Cricketer, CCF coach, CWB coach and trainee electrician.
At 6' 3" Michel is a gentle giant, softly spoken, but with great passion for cricket when in front of a bunch of kids. Never fails to explain the links between HIV awareness and it's relationship to cricket.

Nafack Tiokeng Carine 
30 years old, CCF Coach, CWB Coach
Carine has 20 brothers and sisters and this domestic training stands her in great stead for keeping the kids in check on the cricket field! Always the centre of French conversation and much laughter on the bus, we suspect she is laughs at the men more than she laughs with them….

Ndum Winston Mukum 
20 years old, Cameroon National Cricketer, CCF Coach, CWB Coach
Winston's ambition is to become a professional cricketer and is very dedicated in his desire for success having consciously 'given up alcohol and women'.

Fouta Fomba Dorian
18 years old, Cameroon National Cricketer, CCF Coach, CWB Coach
Dorian is a fast bowler and a funny guy. Dorian loves to try and distract opposition batsmen by calling them 'golfers'. Currently studying economics and management at university Dorian wants to be the 'best cricketer in the world and Director General of the IMF' !!!

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