Day 2 – Coach Education, International Match & Media Reception

After a hearty bread and omelette breakfast the Intrepid 8 began the Cameroon 2014 coaching less than 9 hours after landing 'in country'. An introductory game of cricket for new and returning coaches started the day. In little short of 4 hours 20 coaches had been put through their paces and t-shirts and wristbands respectfully in place we lunched on bread inpreparation for the `Main Event`


By 3pm the CWB team of 8 became 10. The team, buoyed by the addition of Matt an Australian working for a local health NGO and Tim, a local teenager took the field in the guise of `The Commonwealth` to take on a Cameroon Select XI in a 10 over `Big Bash`. In attendance as guests of honour were three Ministers from the departments of Sports, External Affairs and Education.

After a close and friendly ceremonius build up the teams played a less than close match with the Cameroon XI passing the Commonwealths total of 44 in just 5 overs. 


More details to follow soon…..

In the evening the CWB team were treated to meal of great taste, variety and ceremony and in true CWB fashion the team left no drink undrank.

More details and more blogging to come when we are able to find a reliable source of internet


2 comments to “Day 2 – Coach Education, International Match & Media Reception”
  1. Looks like it certainly was cricket without boundaries for the Big Bash! Never mind! Dave, your CWB average for 2014 can't be looking too healthy right now! 

    Great start to the 2014 trip. Looking forward to future blogs and adventures of Jo's magic red shoes. 

  2. Bonjour team Cameroon! Great start you guys, sounds exhausting already. How did the TV interviews go, it looked scary? It's brilliant the ministers were watching the match, hope you made some good impressions. Alwasy good for the away team to get mullered by the home nation, excellent for relations – top work! What's the weather like, Jo was worried it was going to be rainy? Looking forward to hearing more about everything as it unfolds 🙂 xx

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