Today we went to our first schools to coach, we split into teams to cover 2 schools.  We received amazing receptions by the teachers that we had coached at the weekend.  At Mevick, the team coached 85 kids aged 9-16 and at Etoug Ebe Lycee we were expecting 100 kids and 240 turned up (aged 9-13)!

They were both excellent sessions,; adapting to the number of kids and the terrain we were teaching on (tiny space at Mevick and huge muddy field at Etoug Ebe Lycee) and running through batting, bowling and fielding skills with the kids – the coaches were soon getting stuck in and teaching the skills too! 

Chris, Richard & Jo had an incredibly positive meeting with British High Commissioner Bharat Joshi on Monday afternoon. Bharat has kindly agreed to host a reception to officially launch the CWB/Cameroon Cricket Federation partnership on Thursday evening at his residence.  The meeting was topped off with Bharat agreeing to join the CWB team for the CWB v Cameroon exhibition game on Thursday afternoon as wicket keeper!  An excellent result!


Then it was straight on to Cameroon Television Studios where Chris was being filmed on The Monday Night Show.  This was a live 1 hour show where Chris and Victor had been given a 10 minute slot to present the work that CWB is doing with the Cameroon Cricket Federation and to publicise our teaching approach addressing HIV/AIDS.

Chris and Victor did a great job and the rest of us enjoyed watching from the audience as we were treated to many different dancing groups, also witnessing the chaos that was going on behind the scenes – bit of set falling over and people tripping over wires during the live production!

CWB trustee Chris Kangis talks live on Cameroon TV about CWB and it's partnership with CCF. A star is born.

A great first day coaching and can’t wait to get out with the kids and coaches tomorrow!

