By Rachael aka 3 words
Friday, and the last school of the week – Mosielele Primary in Moshupa, approximately 45 minutes from our hotel in Gaborone. The full CWB team were back together , as Clare and Sam put down their cocktail glasses and picked up cricket bats. Joining us were Botswana players and coaches, Mosa and Obert along with the girls’ U19 captain Shameelah for her 3rd day with the CWB team. These guys were fantastic throughout the day and will no doubt continue to make an impact within community cricket around the Gaborone area.
26 teachers took part in the morning workshop from Mosielele Primary and other local schools – with a lot of enthusiasm we headed outside and the teachers took part in a warm up led by Richard, which highlighted some key HIV/AIDS awareness messages. During Mick’s batting masterclass session, his usage of the word ‘ok’ was above average with the tally being counted at well over 50 by Jonno and Adam (soon to be referred to as Mary Poppins due the fact that if anyone asked ‘have you got a…’ you could guarantee he had one in his bag).
With Botswana TV capturing the afternoon session, it was brilliant to see the teachers being heavily involved making it the most successful session yet with the children. The CWB team were able to step back a bit more and let the teachers get more involved with leading the session. Four stations were initially set up with a 5th being added later on when Jonno and Rach set up another game for some more kids who had been watching but soon were encouraged to start joining in.
With the Minister for Presidential affairs Mokgweetsi E.K. Masisi visit imminent later in the afternoon, everyone kept the kids going and after a short water break the team handed out t-shirts (in an organised fashion in comparison to the wristband incident earlier in the week where Jonno, Clare and Rach were somewhat mauled by the kids). With all 140 kids proudly wearing their new ‘Bowling Aids out of Africa’ t-shirts, they were grouped together to welcome the Sports Minister (also the local MP) who spoke to them about the ABCs, asking them to promise to adhere to the ABC messages. The CWB team were thanked for their hard work before leaving for Gaborone to make it back for the eagerly anticipated match against Botswana Cricket Association.
With the team showered, refreshed and changed they headed over to the home of cricket, the BCA Oval, to play in what had been built up as being the match of the year. So it was all set: 9 a side, 15 overs, hard ball, under lights, BBQ lit, crowd gathered (Ravi and his mates), Botswana to bat first. Shameelah and Adam opened the bowling, receiving a bit of tap early on by the openers who made a good start to their innings. The skipper made a successful bowling change, bringing on Botswana’s young player ‘Big Boy’ who took the first wicket of the match – the second soon followed as Jonno ‘Boyzone’ Todd got the batsman chasing a ball outside off stump. In true sportsmanship style, Jonno ‘quietly’ sent the batsman on his way back to the clubhouse. Boyzone’s following overs were not so successful as his soon to be ex roommate, Michael (Ben), had no issues in signalling 4 wides off his next 2 overs. 3 words was brought on to steady the ship, making a quick impact, taking a wicket with her first ball then in her 2nd over bowled the new batsman leaving her with outstanding figures of 2 for not many off 3. Roommate, Smurf (Jen – aptly named Cricket Smurf for the match) also made a quickly impact with 3 words being involved yet again in a run out.
With 78 the target, CWB made a decent start albeit steady – disaster struck in the 4th over as Shameelah was caught and bowled by her brother. Clare and AJ kept a steady partnership going pinching the singles and hitting the bad balls. Clare was the next to go after making 5 when she was caught behind. CWB needed 20 off the last 12 balls, AJ got himself in trouble when he missed a straight ball that went on to hit in ‘right where it hurts’ (if you’re a man). Ricky Ponting hit a couple of big boundaries to keep things interesting but eventually CWB fell 5 short.
Ronnie Freer says:
Apr 22, 2012
My Clare hit 5! I’m proud of her 🙂
It may have been dubious, but she was there, she gave her all and she with all of you are spreading an amazing word.
I hope you gain from this what you all set out to gain and I hope that the message you are there to promote hits home to the children of Botswana and they too can live to have a life like we have.
Be proud as I am of of you
But Clare, know I’m here cheering you on smiling and loving you more each day as you are as special as they come, you are they giving your time to help and I hope that people listen.
Let’s stop the mass spreading of aids.
Well done all.
If you are landing at heathrow on the 30th in the early morning then I will see you all then.
Take care and be safe.
Mike Reeves says:
Apr 23, 2012
So the ‘Meerkat’s’ (Allan Parker Reed, CWB volunteer 2009 & 2010) training of Shameelah did not pay off for her. Sounds like a great game spoilt by poor umpiring. Perhaps Ben should get some training from Ravi or stick to comedy. Good luck in Francistown and say hello to Mick & Anne and Clement.
Mike and Veronika
Sally says:
Apr 23, 2012
Hi Guys. I’m loving the blogs, sounds like you really gel as a team and are working and playing hard. Good use of T-shirtage ready for the Sports Miniter visit. Also, very diplomatic result of the match – wouldn’t be good to thrash the host nation obv. 😉 Any dodgy tummies yet? Hope not although being a veggie, I nearly got one reading about the Man vs food epic meat off. Keep up the great work xx
Greg Dyer says:
Apr 24, 2012
Really appreciate the impact you are all making in Botswana, reading the blog brings it to life. You should all be proud of what you are achieving, making a difference to peoples lives now and in the future. Rachael I like the sound of 2 wickets for not many, steady work that, marvellous effort. Take good care of yourself, love Greg and Carol.
Jo N-C says:
Apr 25, 2012
Great blogs!!! Keep up to the amazing work and have fun x 🙂
Mick says:
Apr 25, 2012
I assume I am Ricky Ponting? Massive 6 to give us hope… Umpiring was very good McIntyre!!