Before Botswana (Spring 2014)

Kit for Botswana Spring 2014

Kit for Botswana Spring 2014

With 5 days to go before my first visit to Botswana it's fair to say I'm very excited about the trip. I have been invovled with CWB for over a year now as a Country Manager, (Organising from afar) but now I get to go and see the fruits of our work in Africa. Along with me I will be joined by 8 other volunteers from the UK and Norway:

Tim Ward
David Kuhwlilm
Ken Kirk
Mark Campbell – Project lead
Carl Fergusson
Simon Hunt
Adam park Elliott – Cricket Tutor
Meng-Xi Hu

You will hear from them on the blog as well in the next 2 weeks. These volunteers have been fantastic; fundraising, attending training days and above all being flexible with the ever changing landscape that can be Africa.

We have a packed programme with coaching in the community, schools and new partnerships with organisations like Top Banana to explore when we arrive on Sunday 13th.

I can't wait to coach my first session with the children in Gaborone and start to put over our messages around HIV & AIDs awareness. We will attempt to blog every day and tell friends, family and future volunteers all about the trip. For now here is a picture of me happy and smiling like a joyus 13 year old with a lot of brand new kit! I always was a bit of a 'kit bully' there's nothing like shiney new cricket kit, but I will be even happier when it is coverd in dust being wielded in Botswana.


Tommy Smith

Botswana Country Manager


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